Mashed potato & buttered rice with anchovies….food for Ez’s little hero..

This post is for Ez..simple mashed potato recipe.and buttered rice mixed with ground anchovies for her little boy.

Mashed potato :-
‡ 1 russet potato – about the size of a fist
‡ 1 – 2 tablespoon butter
‡ 4 – 5 tablespoon fresh milk
‡ salt & pepper to taste

≠ Boil potato untill cooked
≠ Peel off the skin while the potato is still warm
≠ Cut the potato into small pieces and mash using a spoon
≠ Mixed in butter and milk – stir well
≠ Add in salt & pepper to taste



Buttered rice & ground anchovies:-
¤ Cooked rice – preferrably warm
¤ 2 tablespoon butter (for a plate of rice)
¤ 2 tablespoon ground anchovies – fry anchovies and grind well ( u can keep it fresh in an airtight container and use it when necessary)

♥ Mixed butter & ground anchovies with warm rice and served on its own or with your child’s favourite food…!!

Give it a try Ez…!!

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